Friday, July 31, 2009

Back home again: PTL

Hi everyone, forgive me for not keeping this blog current but the last few weeks have been extremely busy. Finals, research papers and presentations etc...and turning my graes in before I left UPH.

The two bombs that blew up were in Jakarta not Karawaci athough a toll booth also was bombed however not too many heard about the third bomb. Going to the airport was interesting with all of the security that was in place. Among other things, Lela accidentially left her passort in the apaprtment. Sinta, and her crew ultimately found it under a dresser. Somehow it must have fallen but it gave us a scare because we were trying to fly out. Fortunately for us their were a couple of men at the airport who assisted us and all ended well.

We fly to Hong Kong where we stayed for three days and did some sight seeing. When we landed in Hong Komg, a bus took us to the hotel. It was clean and very nice for only being three stars. We tried to find a place to eat and saw a small cafe called Jamies. As we looked at the menu we both just about jumped for joy as they had tuna aand egg salad sandwiches. We ordered us each one and devoured it in short order. We ended up eating there a couple of more times. We toured the Hong Kong side, went up to Victoia's Peak and took the tram down then we went to Mong Kok market via a bus and train that was another experience.
Both of us were ready to get home and I am sure Lela was very glad to see her brother and sister-in-law at the airport.

Although I wished we wish we had another few days to look around but to be honest I was ready to come home, see my dog, talk to my kids and friends and attend my church and hear Justin preach. When we left Hong Kong ther airlines made us pay extra for our computer bags since the plane was full and they would not allow us to carry it on board since we each had another bag plus our purses.

We had a lay over in SanFrancisco and the plane was delayed as well. But we finally landed at PDX and on our way to the baggage claim place who appeared? David and Denise Hamlin!! Boy what a thrill to see my dear adopted family. We got my bags and drove back to Salem and of course I yakked all the way. They wanted to know what I was hungry for and I said, "chips and salsa." So, they stopped at the store and bought me some and a case of diet pepsi, which I was unable to get either in Indonesia or Hong Kong.

This trip and the expereinces we had are unforgetable. yes, I would go back again if invited and I believed that was the Lord's leading. I would do some things differently both in teaching the classes as well as eating. Our trip to Bali, was fun, warm and we got to see blue sky, the sun and stars which was not possible in karawaci and Jakarta becuse of the polution.

Much like when I arrived in Indonesia I am adjusting to the hour change. Jetlag is not fun!! Hopefully the adjustment won't take as long as it did there.

I close for now and thank you all for reading about Lela and my experience. We both will be assimilating all we saw and experienced for some time. I fell in love with my students and co-workers. I pray God's best and His protection for them as they teach. We made some new friends and strengthened old relationships. The Family of God is amazing because He is Amazing. It really does not matter where you go if you are with other believers it becomes home for a season.

My thanks and gratitude to Sheldon, Jamie, Jim and Marit Rawlins, James and Eileen Riadi, Johnathon and Anne Parapak, Ian and Sharon Cosh, Sinta, Kat, DK, One, Esther and Nana. They made the time there rich with their love and friendship. My students were very hard to say goodby too and I would have loved to bring them back with me but it difficult to shrink wrap them so they would fit in my purse since my bags were full, really full. Only God knows what next and I can and will trust in Him for each day I have left to serve Him and His people.

Blessings, love and a big hug, to you all.

P.S. My computer is sick and It will not get fixed for couple of weeks so I can receive emails I just cannot send them. I will answer them all when it gets fixed. Hugs and kisses, ellie